Wed 19 Sep 2018 7:00pm
Processing, sizing and uploading to competitions etc. Please bring images on a stick or card. Laptops if you have them. - please check this over beforehand
Print mounting demo.
Pre comp preview C1 preparation - please bring your C1 images on a memory stick/card if you would like help. Prep for Maritime Museum visit.
Also a short SGM to approve the 2017-18 Annual Accounts (item left over from AGM, re-scheduled from 12/09)
NB The presentation by Jasmine Lawrie has been cancelled
Townend Community Centre
15 Townfoot
KA11 4EQ
Sorry wont be able to make it tonight. Problems with keeping my hair on in these high winds - not much hair left anyway.
I was looking forward to some much needed editing tips too.
You'll be fine,...just don't leave entering C1 until the last minute
Not that sure that I have anything worthy of a competition
As I said, you'll be fine. A few from your gallery would be ok if you're pushed for choice. Just remember to put a B after your title and the judge will know you're a beginner.
NB. Please feel free to get some images entered into C1 asap - as we discovered this evening, once you've started an entry you can still change you mind and re-post right up to the hand-in date.