Wed 23 Sep 2020 7:00pm
Postponed due to latest Covid advice.
See next item on Programme.
A big welcome back to Irvine for the club's longstanding friend Stephen (Postponed from the 16th). See and
NB. Tighter Covid Rules than previous now in place (max number 30).
- 1 metre social distancing when seated, "wash, face, n space",
- "Track n trace" procedures in place (sign in at the bar - NOT at table by the door - your details on a card would make it easier)
- Layout revised such that now 2 at a table (1 metre apart),
- No moving about unless visiting the bar or toilet - you must wear a mask (2 metre apart),
- No teas/coffees until further notice - please purchase drinks from the bar
Check for any further updates close to the time.
Also, Hand in for C1 - Projected Image (PDI) Round 1 Open (no theme) up to 3 images per member
Dreghorn Bowling Club
88 Main St
KA11 4AA
Unfortunately this has had to be postponed following the latest Covid restrictions.
its going to be with us for a long time.
Sorry to hear this, things will get worse before they get better.